Ice Cold In Powys- Sunday 29th November 2011

Record temperatures hit the country over the weekend and mid Wales was no exception :-

"Mid Wales recorded the lowest temperatures in the UK on Saturday night as bitter cold continued to bite.
Llysdinam in Powys saw -17.3C (0.86F), which is both the lowest ever recorded in Wales in November, and the lowest in the UK during the month since 1985." - BBC News

My trip into mid Wales saw the temperature gauge hit -15 on arrival, I must be crazy or just a fishing junky?.  It certainly didn't get much warmer throughout the day at best reaching -9 at its peak.  The heavy metal was out in force and proved to be a success accounting for about half a dozen or so fighting fit Grayling.  Constant attention to the rod rings was the order of the day literally freezing within minutes.

A spectacular place to be on such an extraordinary cold day, but well worth it.  Hope you enjoy some of the pictures of the day.

44cm Lunker

Until Next Time.........................Tight Lines Phil

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