Welsh Dee - Still In Recovery & Small Signs of Spring - Sunday 25th April 2010

Welsh Dee
After a glorious week of sunshine, the spring days were finally here !! (In Cheshire at least).  The miserable short days coupled with freezing temperatures were a distant memory.  We headed for a day on our club water of the Dee above Corwen to try and locate a fish or two. 

Just our luck !, the clouds had rolled in, the wind and a few short spells of rain greeted us after the sixty or so mile journey to the hallowed surroundings of the Welsh Dee.   What we had left behind  in Cheshire was a glorious spring day but it was so different up here.  Walking along the river it was noticeable that the harsh winter we had all experienced was still in evidence, and the Welsh countryside was still in recovery and only just showing small signs of spring.

Early Signs of Spring

We both couldn't believe how far behind the season was up here, its May next week and not even an early sign of a sprouting leaf on some of the trees.  Anyway back to the fishing, which started off with promise and a few early Grayling to hand, taking a well presented fly. 

The Dee is not notorious for its Trout but locating them is part of the challenge.  The wind was unfortunately ripping through the valley and any chance of a hatch was out of the question.  Although later in the afternoon my old man did manage to rise  a couple of small fish.

The fishing was once again hard going today, I did manage a small 12" Trout for my efforts, and several Grayling.  It was not the sort of day we had been expecting, but it will be very soon when the Dee is back in full swing.  We need it to warm up and kick start the season then the Trout will switch on. 

Is it Spring yet?
I know that others anglers have had limited success this early spring searching for the trout on the Dee, its pot luck at the moment but picking a warm and calm day will help.

Its always good to be on the river, another cracking day out in the country. It wont be long before were back.

Until next Time......................................Tight Lines

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