Back on The Welsh Dee - Sunday 21st March 2010

Welsh Dee
I headed for the Dee for the the first time since last December, it had been an age what with the weather and the level of the river it had just been unfishable.  I headed above Corwen and the morning was just perfect.  Trout being my target today I was looking forward to it. 

On arrival the Dee looked slightly coloured after yesterdays rain but still fishable.  I set out with a couple of gold headed nymphs fished across and down......that produced nothing, a couple of spiders.........., that produced nothing, a team of three nymphs..........that produced nothing.  I had gone through the lot, even trying a small dry in a section of the river where I had found rest bite from the strong wind hitting the water...............still nothing.

As an angler you just get that feeling when the fish for the day are just not out to play.  Coloured water ?, very ice cold water? Strong wind hitting the river?  I just don't know.  I did manage a small grayling for my five hours effort, that was enough for me.  I have had many a tough day on the Dee and this was up there with the toughest. 

It was however a glorious day to be out and I just managed to avoid a blank !  A testing day that saw me go through the repertoire of flies and tactics.  A great tester and I'll be back very soon.

Until Next Time.....................Tight Lines

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