Having spent time on other exploits over the past few months, I haven't had the time to make it to the river but today I had a rare day off work and intended to take full advantage. Apologies to my diary readers for the lack of fishing updates but hopefully all will become clear mid November.
Not being out on the river for some time, I suppose the next best thing is to search the Internet and buy some new tackle for the next available outing. As some of you are aware I am a Grayling nut and love catching my favourite species Czech Nymph Style. This can take on a number of forms through the use of Braid and adopting a French leader set up for clear and low water conditions. The ideal rod is essential for the methods and a 10ft 3# was on the shopping list.
After a trawl through the net I came across a reasonably priced Greys Streamflex 10ft 3# and having read various reviews and seeking advice off other streamflex anglers the rod was on its way. Next problem a reel ! small and light enough as to not hamper the lightness of the rod but within my budget. All the light reels were way to expensive, lets face it the reel doesn't get much hammer whilst bugging, and to justify a big spend well I just couldn't.
You may be surprised at my choice but having checked them out at this years CLA I was quietly impressed, I plumped for the Sonik sk Lite 3/4 not my or many others anglers first choice brand but surprisingly a well made reel and one of the lightest around and just the job at £75, great delivery service and great customer service, give them a go I don't think you'll be disappointed.
With new tackle at the ready its was bags packed and to the Welsh Dee on one of our club waters at Corwen, having not been out for a while I had fallen out of my routine and the trusty camera had been left at home, a school boy error, apologies for the lack of pictures.
The day was blustery and rain planned for later in the day, with the streamflex tackled up and a team of small nymphs two of them tied with a variety of tungsten beads down to 2.3mm. My fishing buddy started on the spiders and the traditional water hen bloa and partridge and orange were his choice for the session. It wasn't long before he hit into a small Grayling and that look over as if to say.."Czech Nymphing yeah ok?".
I wanted to christen my new rod and after a short time I was into my first fish, a small Grayling about 12", but it wasn't long before the rod was put to the test, on the trundle down a slow raise of the flies through the layers and bang !!, that heart stopping moment when you know you've hit into a good fish. The beauty was taking line and the rod bent into the fish just great and after a good scrap a fin perfect male beauty hit the net and pushing 2lbs. Not long after its mate took a shine to the top dropper and although slightly smaller a good fight none the less.
A cracking rod and reel set up put through its paces on my return to the Dee, it handled the job very well and I cant wait to give it another go. A change of beat for the afternoon and swapping tactics to the dry proved dividends with several Grayling treating themelves to an 18s Elk hair caddis. My buddy alternating from wets and drys to a couple of nymphs all taking fish, under such breezy conditions we landed well over two dozen Grayling, the pleasing thing that many were juveniles which bodes well for the future, only two lunkers on the day falling to the Czech Nymph method.......I'll leave that one with you Dad. ;-)
It was great to return to the Dee and hopefully back very soon.
Until Next Time.......................Tight Lines
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