Not Such A Mundane Monday - October 18th 2010

The Alarm was set early as usual for a Monday, but today I didn't hit the snooze button once or maybe several times is the norm as the weekend has gone like a flash and its back to work.  Fighting traffic on the motorways and risking life and limb amongt the hussle and bustle of todays roads is normally the order of the day.  But not today, fishing tackle was packed in double quick time and off to pick up me old man for a day on the river.

We headed into mid Wales for  a crack at the Grayling on one of my favourite river retreats, yes I was once again on the motorway and buisy A roads, but took great pleasure in watching the queing traffic and frantic drivers heading to the office, knowing that in about an hour or so I would be knee deep in the river and not a care in the world.

Stunning Surroundings
    The river today was in fine fettle, and the Grayling really obliged and we accounted for a dozen or so with the odd Trout taking a shine to the nymphs, once again the 10ft 3# Streamflex handling the fish and presenting the flies with ease.

Out on the river is truly a massive stress release and all the pressures that are normally associated with a Monday were long gone today.  We walked several miles today with fish located in many of the runs and riffles we encountered. This was turning out to be anything but a mundane Monday.

Unfortunatly the day was over all too soon as the short days are really upon us now, but with a consolation that the best months for the Grayling are around the corner.  It really was a cracking day, one to be repeated hopefully very soon. 

'The Old man' - Fishing Through a likely looking Run

Peace and Quiet on a Monday !

Until Next Time...................Tight Lines


  1. Phil,
    Sounds like the perfect Monday to me! Can't wait for a chance at those grayling again this year....been dreaming about it all summer long!

  2. Hi Matt,

    End of November or December give me a shout and we can have another get together with the lads in search of the Graylinks.

  3. Hi Phil,
    Glad I've discovered your blog. I am usually one of the many driving to work, while you are heading to the river!
    Nice photo's, too.
